
onsdag, august 13, 2008

Killing people in GORI

Fersk SMS-melding fra Georgia

Russians destroys everything in GORI. People from KAZAXI are killing people and burning houses and are robbing people in villages around GORI. In ZUGDIDI they have stolen computers and almost from church. Church (members) is out, but pastor has stayed in ZUGDIDI

Og her kommer et innlegg fra SKY NEWS

A Sky News team has been robbed at gunpoint on the outskirts of Gori by men thought to be South Ossetian separatist militia.
Sky News presenter Andrew Wilson said he could not be sure the men who had pulled their car over were South Ossetian, but they did not seem to be Russian.
He said the attackers were "wired" and very aggressive, pressing a gun to the head of their driver, and did not respond when shown British passports and told their victims were journalists.
They took their car and equipment, forcing them to return to Gori on foot.
Sky News correspondents Stuart Ramsay and Jason Farrell confirmed there were tanks on the streets in Gori, which has suffered extensively from Russian bombing raids.
Ramsay said the town was "completely surrounded" and that locals were terrified of attacks by irregular separatist forces fighting alongside the Russians.
Farrell said he had seen them patrolling the streets and that a team of Norwegian journalists had been robbed in the centre of the town

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